Saturday, June 25, 2011

New hobby!

Wow, I'm not really doing too well with the whole blogging thing am I?

Well I'm here now. Why? Because I feel a need to write.

My hubby is away in Afghanistan for the next 6 months, so nights are lonely. I haven't been scrapbooking much lately, just not feeling it I guess. But I'm still being crafty! And I've found myself a new little hobby :P

It can be a bit of a pricey hobby. And it's kind of stalled thanks to Canada Post going on strike then being locked out. What is my new hobby? Swapbot. A site just for organizing and getting together with people to swap stuff. All kinds of stuff. Crafty stuff, postcards stuff, sticker stuffs, if you can think it you can swap it.

I love getting mail. But it seems to be so rare that we ever get anything besides bills and flyers. So now with this new hobby I can get lots of mail! Just as soon as Canada Post goes back to delivering said mail.

Until then here's a list of things that Canada Post still needs to deliver to me:

1- invitation to my sister's wedding!
2- package from my sweet hubby in Afghanistan!
3- a crafty book I swapped a handmade turtle Amigurumi for.
4- a paper crafts misc supplies swap
5- a tote and a note swap
6- a birthday gift swap
7- 3 tourism swaps
8- 3 children's sticker swaps
9- a postcard swap
10- a summer recipe and tea swap
11- 2 more birthday gift swaps
12- 2 birthday card swaps
13- a private swap (ribbon key fob wristlet/coffee mug cozy)
14- a postcard purchase from
15- a purchase from
16- 3 purchases from (including 2 birthday presents for myself!)
17- 10+ birthday cards from my birthday contest :D

That equals to...34+ pieces of mail waiting for me in the postal system!! Wow.

And I have a few waiting to be mailed too. Including:

1- 3 tourism swaps
2- a summer recipe and tea swap
3- 2 birthday card swaps
4- 2 birthday gift swaps
5- a private swap (ribbon key fob wristlet/coffee mug cozy)

The above swaps are all packaged and ready to go. Just waiting for the post offices to open again.