One of our finds was a cool bird house with the logbook in a pill bottle or film case blocking the bird house "entrance". The second cache we found was another 3.5 star difficulty rating and took my brother and I quite a while of searching - under a bridge - to find it! It was the size of a small nut (think nuts and bolts kind of nut) and was stuck to a beam under the bridge with a magnet! Now imagine just how small that log book was rolled up INSIDE the "nut". No pics - but definitely a memorable find! The third was a DFI - Didn't Find It, which is sad when you spend a good 15 minutes combing the area for something. However I later found out that it was actually MIA - so at least it wasn't just me who couldn't see something that everyone else could.
And just to prove to you just how addicted I am to this geocaching thing - I found another cache today while walking to the dentist office! I had some time before my appointment so I stopped by a parking lot nearby that was supposed to have a cache hidden in a brick wall around the edge of the lot. Found it, logged it and got to my dental cleaning with plenty of time to spare!